Send a personalized offer

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If you want to make an offer to one of your tenants and propose a preferential rate, a specific hour, or a specific date, you can use the "personalized offer" tool.

You can access this tool from your Click&Boat account.

In order to send a personalized offer to a tenant:

  1. Open the "Messages" tab and select the message with the tenant;
  2. Click on "Create a personalized offer" located at the bottom-right part of your screen (or on the top if you are using the App).
  3. Fill out the relevant information -> Enter the dates of the rental, check-in time and check-out time, the tenant's total price to pay, etc. (regarding the price, the system displays your net amount when you enter the tenant's total amount to pay. You can also start by entering your net amount and the tenant price will be calculated automatically.)
  4. Once the personalized offer is ready, click on "send".

The tenant will be notified of the offer and if they accept it, it will validate the booking.




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