How do I modify a booking?

Have more questions? Submit a request

You can easily submit a request to modify a booking.

You must go onto the website and complete the following steps:

  • Contact the tenant to confirm with them that they agree to modify the booking (via the ClickBoat messenger tool),
  • Once you have received the tenant's agreement, click on "Modify my booking",
  • Choose the information of your booking that you wish to modify: price, dates, date and duration, extras, or other,
  • Verify the information and click on "confirm"


Booking modifications without a price impact: 
Dates and duration without a price impact will be modified automatically and you will receive a confirmation email! 

Note: In case the new date will be before the original booking date, our customer service team will process it to ensure all payments have been made in time


Booking modifications with a price impact: 

Our customer service team will process the request as soon as possible and get back to you via email to confirm the modification of your booking (contract updated). 

Tip: The more information you provide to us the faster we will be able to modify your booking





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