Is my listing contractual?

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Your listing is contractual.

The renter will select the appropriate boat for his cruise by looking at different listings, including yours. Therefore, we invite you to take the time to write it well.

Your listing describes the services you offer and everything that you have listed must be present on board (and in conformity) when the rental starts. 

If any of the features or equipment present in your listing is missing at the time of the inventory check-in, the renter will have the right to refuse to take your boat and we will be obliged to reimburse them the full amount of the rental, which means that you will not be paid.

As well, if you decide to modify the listing after a reservation has been validated and paid for by the renter, you have to inform them via the online messaging system of the platform or through the contact details that have been exchanged.

The tenant can then accept these modifications or choose to cancel the rental and receive a full refund.


* You may at any time consult your obligations as a boat owner in article 6.1.1. "Specific obligations of  Owners" of our Terms and Conditions.

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