Unblock my account and reset my password

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Have you forgotten your password? Is your account blocked? If the answer is yes, no worries, we have a solution: 

I forgot my password:

You can reset your password at any time to restore access to your account.

To do this, start by clicking on "Login" at the top right of your screen and click "Forgot your password?".

Then, just enter the e-mail address you used for your Click&Boat profile and click on "Reset my password".

If you are already logged in, click on your profile picture (icon on the top right), and then on "Profile" at the bottom of the page click "Forgot your password" and enter your e-mail address in the field. Lastly, click on "Reset my password


You will then receive an e-mail with a link to set a new password.


My account is blocked:

If your account is blocked, please inform us via the contact form.

** Please let us know if your account has been blocked after entering 5 wrong passwords **

We will do everything necessary to give you back access to your account!

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